City of Borås
Borås, Sweden
A public meeting space for social activities and public services. One of five similar meeting spaces in Borås, Sweden.
Number of staff:
Ca 20
Ca 1,000 sqm
Hultahuset in Borås is a public meeting space where people of all ages are welcome. It’s a place anyone can come to do homework, dance, play, access important community information or just sit and chat with friends. Such a diverse range of people and activities places tough demands on the interior design.
An extra living room where all ages are welcome and a way to harness the power generated in a society when people meet across generational boundaries. That is the vision for Hultahuset in Borås. In this building, the municipality has collected public services and activities for both seniors and young people. You can come here to take courses, participate in various activities, meet up with friends – or just enjoy coffee and cake in the café. Ensuring that the interior design works for and appeals to young and old alike was just one of the many challenges facing the Kinnarps team in Borås at Hultahuset. The two key concepts were flexibility and sustainability.
“The basic prerequisite is that we’ve now received a total solution, with everything from furniture to curtains and flowers, which has been customised to the requirements of our activities. It’s also important that the look and functionality of the interior design suits all ages. Good aesthetics are good aesthetics, no matter how old you are.”
Åsa Gunnesson, head of unit at Hultahuset
That being said, there are also a few age-adapted solutions. These include slightly wider easy chairs with sturdy armrests and sofas that are soft yet easy to get out of for people who need such functionality. There are also high tables with bar stools and desks with task chairs that are ideal for homework, for example.
“We want these spaces to feel warm and welcoming, while we also need to take into account different functional requirements. We can clearly see that the care and consideration radiating from the interior design has an instant effect on our visitors.”
Nezanet Ghebrezghi, development manager at Hultahuset
The many different activities on offer at Hultahuset also impose demands on the interior design. Flexible solutions make it easy to change furniture combinations to suit current activities and needs. The interior design solution includes stackable chairs and foldable tables with castors, so that the room can quickly be transformed from a lecture hall into a generous dance floor. It also contributes to good holistic ergonomics for both staff and visitors. Well-thought-out colour schemes, versatile lighting and interior design promoting good acoustics create a harmonious whole. There are spaces for large and small groups – and for people who want or need to spend time here alone.
“One of the main concepts behind Hultahuset is for this space and its furniture to be used for as many days of the year and as many hours of the day as possible. The materials and colours have been carefully chosen for maximum durability, and the upholstery is washable. In addition to the open spaces for visitors, there are also a dining room, rest room and workstations for staff. Kinnarps’ great strength – which we have brought to this project – lies in designing customised total interior solutions that also meet a whole range of different requirements,” notes the team at Kinnarps Borås.
"We must have durable furniture that can withstand intensive use. With Kinnarps, we know that we get high quality and long-lasting furniture.”
Åsa Gunnesson, head of unit at Hultahuset
Hultahuset is the third Meeting Space that Kinnarps has furnished for the city of Borås. At the time we spoke with Åsa Gunnesson and Nezanet Ghebrezghi, Hultahuset had been up and running for a few months. The other Meeting Spaces, however, are a few years older. “They are still as nice as they were when they were inaugurated; it’s hard to believe that the interior design isn’t showing greater signs of wear,” reports Nezanet Ghebrezghi.
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