Client projects: Ebba von Sydow AB

Project facts

Ebba von Sydow AB

Stockholm, Sweden


Ebba Kleberg von Sydow's happy place – A stylish and sustainable office

The business grew and the need for a place to land became clear. The ambition was far beyond conservative office landscapes – what Ebba needed and wanted was to create a welcoming and inspiring office, an oasis for both creativity, representation and desk work.

Having been on the move for many years, working from cafés, kitchen chairs and friends' workplaces, Ebba Kleberg von Sydow realised she needed her own office space. Her CV is extensive, to say the least, including journalist, columnist, author, editor-in-chief and programme host. Today she has found her home, runs exactly the companies she wants to run and has turned her passion into a job. The jewellery company Ebba von Sydow Jewelry, the sportswear brand Ebba Sport, the fashion platform Säker Stil, which she runs together with Emilia de Poret, the interior design companies Insjöns väveri and Bookbinders design, and Ebba von Sydow AB, which produces creative content for digital, social channels, all have a common denominator - Ebba's love of craftsmanship, quality and sustainability.

“Choosing high quality furniture with sustainable materials produced in Sweden was very important to me.”

Ebba von Sydow

Inspiring spaces for many activities

Ebba's office needed to accommodate many different activities. "I wanted to create a real office but also a lovely place where I love to be. Offices for me were more associated with landscapes, rows of desks, coffee machines and big businesses. Instead, I wanted to have welcoming spaces to be inspired in, look at collection samples, invite people to nice breakfast meetings and jewellery drinks - simply a functional office without losing the feeling of Ebba!".

The meeting with Kinnarps was key to designing the new office. "I think it came together so well because Kinnarps is good at the big picture. I'm good with details but find it difficult with the whole. I can fall in love with an old pattern, a fabric or an old Josef Frank shelf at a second-hand store. Bringing everything together into a harmonious whole is the hard part."



Nordic and sustainable design for generations to come

Ebba's involvement in running Insjöns Väveri in the north of Sweden, with its living textile and industrial history, also contributed to a successful collaboration. The craftsmanship of Insjön met the craftsmanship of Kinnarps. "Choosing high quality furniture with sustainable materials produced in Sweden was very important to me. Kinnarps' production was impressive." Kinnarps' factory in Skillingaryd customised the Vibe desk screen in Insjöns Väveri's classic Åhldräll fabric.

"It was like putting on a perfect pair of shoes. It all fell into place! Stylish and Nordic. Office couture!"

Ebba says that almost everything in her office is inherited, bought at auction or second-hand. The reason for this is that she loves things with history, things that carry memories. Therefore, it was very important that the new interior design could harmonise with the old. "My children will hopefully take over some of my companies, so I want them to be able to sit in the same chair, at the same desk as me. It's important for it to last for many generations, so that these things can tell their stories."

"White, beige and plain have never been for me. I like colours, green, oak and things with character. At the same time, I'm practical and want function. The wall screen with writing board is a favourite!"




“I'm glad that we invested in really good task chairs and height-adjustable desks – they're the equivalent of heroes in your wardrobe. You can't take any shortcuts!”

Ebba von Sydow

Needs analysis – the basis for a successful outcome

In the process leading up to the new office, Ebba was assisted by Kinnarps advisors to determine which activities the office needed to support. Several discussions and conversations about needs, ergonomics, multifunctionality and sustainability resulted in mood boards, which were then updated and refined until the right one was found. It was a matter of managing what was available and finding a whole. Optimising the space and enhancing and improving the working environment with smart and functional solutions. The office space is not very large, but it is full of activities. In addition to two ergonomic desks, Ebba needed storage for clothing samples, a full-length mirror, a whiteboard and extra chairs that could be pulled up next to the desks.

"It was nice to be able to lean on Kinnarps to help me identify what I actually wanted and needed. It was easier to say what I didn't want than to identify what I did want. In my wardrobe I feel at home and confident, but when it comes to interior design it's not the same."

"It was like putting on a perfect pair of shoes. It all fell into place! Stylish and Nordic. Office couture!"

Ebba von Sydow




Ergonomics in the spotlight

Ebba had been working from uncomfortable chairs for many years and had not considered the consequences. "I'm in the middle of my career, so busy building my company that I haven't had time to reflect on ergonomics. I've thought that I'll do it later, but this has resulted in my neck and back hurting at times. It has been a journey to start thinking about ergonomics, really a game changer! I'm glad that we invested in really good task chairs and height-adjustable desks - they're the equivalent of heroes in your wardrobe. You can't take any shortcuts!"



Combining style, design, ergonomics and function

Ebba describes her new office as a wonderful marriage of style, design, ergonomics and function. "Many people associate offices with noisy coffee machines and boring landscapes, but this result was better than I could have ever dreamed of! It is stylish yet creative, vibrant and cosy. The office as a whole reflects me and my world. And it will last a LONG time. An example of how sustainable style wins over trends every day of the week. It's so nice to land in that. I get happy when I sit and look at the Vibe desktop screen in its customised design with Insjön's fabric. It reminds me of my own love for craftsmanship and it inspires me!"

The way to Ebba's new office

Needs analysis – the basis for a successful outcome

In the process leading up to the new office, Ebba was assisted by Kinnarps advisors to determine which activities the office needed to support. Several discussions and conversations about needs, ergonomics, multifunctionality and sustainability resulted in mood boards, which were then updated and refined until the right one was found.

Swedish production

Come along to Kinnarp's factory in Skillingaryd in the south of Sweden and see the furniture for Ebba's office being produced. "Choosing high quality furniture with sustainable materials produced in Sweden was very important to me. Kinnarps' production was impressive."

Responsible and sustainable delivery

The interior were delivered through Kinnarp's own unique logistics and delivery system, which runs on fossil-free fuel, where the furniture is packed with reusable blankets instead of disposable packaging. Each truck is efficiently packed like a tetris to optimize the cabinets and avoid driving air. In this way, 270 kg of packaging is saved per truck cabinet and the number of transports is minimized.

Related products



Oberon desk, sit/stand

37 Colours and materials | 43 Variants



Vibe Focus Desk Screen

141 Colours and materials | 42 Variants



Vibe Acoustic Panels

141 Colours and materials | 27 Variants



